
In order to help prevent a backorder, please request a stock check prior to placing your order. A backorder is still possible, but less likely.

We will send you a backorder notification if your item is on backorder. The notification will include the manufacturer's tentative restock date/ETA (estimated time of arrival). Backorder notifications will go out as soon as possible.

Please Note: these dates are estimates and may change. 

You will have the following options if your item is on backorder:

  • Choose to wait for the backorder to be filled.
  • Change your order to a color that is in stock.
  • Change to a different style
  • Cancel your backorder for a full refund.

There are no cancellation fees for backorders.

You can change your mind up until the backorder is in the restocking/shipping process.

Cancellation requests will be sent to the manufacturer. A full refund will be issued after we receive the cancellation confirmation.

For confirmed cancellations: A full refund will be issued to your original method of payment or as a store credit. The choice will be yours.

We cannot refund to any methods of payment other than the original payment used. If your original payment was split between a store credit and a credit card, etc., the refund will apply exactly as it was originally charged. There are no exceptions.

International Orders: Products that are on backorder can be changed to an in stock product, cancelled or you can wait for the backorder to be filled. We hold all orders until they are complete. We cannot ship a partial order.